
Someday - ||Gecko Moria x Reader||

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

       The sounds of waves lapping over each other, crashing into the stone like-wall that encircled the large ship being the only thing that echoed around, filling your ears over the sound of your own heart pounding. It enticed you like a melody sung from the mouth of siren, coaxing you to following short into a sweet never-ending bliss.

    Your toes twitched at the cool spray of the water brushing against your feet as your legs dangled off the ledge. The small beads of liquid streamed down the lower-half of your legs, past your ankles and off your toes, dripping back into the clear blue.

    It was a strange sensation as the summer breeze blew against your legs, like it were trying to dry the dampness left behind. It felt similar to a large, warm hand cupping your cheek and allowing it to rest there until it had it's fill. Slowly your hand scraped against the rough surface you sat on, sliding before it was lifted into the air and up-wards, your knuckles brushing against the soft skin of your own cheek. Your finger-tips brushed before the palm of your hand rested fully on your cheek, covering what could be considered enough to the norm, but it did not fill your desire.

    Being use to a much larger blanket of warmth than you could provide for yourself, you shuddered visibly at the loss; so much bare skin exposed to the evening's conditions, having only the friction of small hands to rub it red and raw in a feeble attempt to find a replacement for it.

    The feeling only came worse as you contemplated on going back--


    Your fingers twitched, itching to go back and be engulfed by the warmth you so greedily absorbed on a daily basis.

    Gecko Moria was not a man of loving emotions, nor did he seem to care about much or worry on anything. He felt he never needed too, being a Warlord -- and a strong one at that -- you saw no reason for it either. But with that being said, it confused you when he would randomly take a hold of different parts of your body and look it over, holding it in the palm of his hand almost as if he were fascinated with the way it looked compared to his large hand. Taking special attention in your cheeks of hands, silently toying with them at times. Of course it was strange at first and you would only allow it for a few seconds before pulling away, then a few moments, and then it had become a regular thing, something you can become use too and soon came to need so you never complained.

    And times like this were no different. There had been several occasions you would leave the mansion in a fit of fury. You knew that the Warlord needed his trusted scientist, but you could never stand to be around the man more than a few moments, and frankly, no one wanted the both of you to even be near each other for even less than that. You would have spats, and occasional arguments-- you didn't agree on everything he decided to do, and you weren't afraid to let him know. He didn't take too kindly to that.

    But this time you believed he had taken his anger to far when he intentionally back handed you as you called him a name. Never had you actually believed Hogback could ever take it so far as it hit a woman, but as you learned in life... anyone is capable of anything if the right buttons are pushed.

    You had done the only thing you thought of in your hazy state of mind. You had told Moria what had happened between the two of you. Why, you weren't sure as after you had done so you knew it didn't have to be dragged that far, the two of you could have brawled-- or the coward would have sent some of his Zombie on you like you were fresh meat. But you were honestly surprised when he had told you, back turned and monotone:

    "No one is forcing you to stay; if you do not like it, simply leave."

    To say you were at a loss for words as you turned and quickly walked away, everyone's eyes following your figure as you disappeared from the mansion and into the forest was the beginning of it all. You should have expected something as such as you knew Hogback was much more important than you, being the head-man's puppet and the only one who could fulfill the plan to it's full extent. And that's how you ended up here now.

    How long you had been out here you weren't sure, and you couldn't care but you knew you didn't need to go back, you weren't that needed. So you couldn't understand when you hear the sound of pounding foot-steps, and birds fluttering away in fear like a stampede through the air and forest. You didn't turn as they neared, causing the ground around you to shake like an earth-quake was erupting as if you were on solid land, you felt no reason too.

    A large shadow cast over you, causing all warmth to leave from your skin, abandoning you and you shuddered, wrapping your arms around your body. You could feel his piercing eyes on your back as you continued to ignore everything around you, but feeling the pad of one of his large fingers brush against your cheek, your head snapped in the other direction, coldly pulling away from his contact.

    The frown that crossed his lips was something you did not need to see to know it laid there, and know it was throwing in your direction.

    You took his words into account. You did not like the madness that was going behind those walls, so you left, like was suggested. You couldn't deny that there was something-- several things in fact, that were keeping you here.

    A thick silence filled the air, besides the sound of the waves crashing and the occasional bird chirping, there were no words spoken between the two of you. You could hear the loud rustle of clothes moving and a gust of wind rushed past your ear as you saw his large hand from the corner of your eye. Turning your head slightly, just enough to get a full view of it. It's palm was turned up wards in an invitation for you to act in some way.

    Your body shook with a small shiver, imagining the warmth once again to heat your small body-- that was extreme tiny towards his. Though you couldn't understand why he didn't allow you just live away from it somewhere on the island like ship, away from the science and immorality, you weren't sure you wanted to question it. You had been alone for so long, so out-cast from the world and tossed aside, not having someone to come home too. But here, whether it be by Zombies, you were welcome.. and not judged.

    Slowly your hand that was curled in a fist slid it's way towards the center of his palm, your fingers slowly uncurling until flat out.

    It was so warm... And you were so cold, even on the inside.

    Quickly, with out a second thought, you threw yourself up from your position and wrapped your arms around his wrist and hand.. basically anything you could touch. Clinging onto him as if he were your last life-source-- sometimes you wondered. It had been like this for so long, you weren't sure if you could remember being alone, if you could face it again without going insane.

    His other hand came down, the index finger slowly brushing away from of your locks from your cheek and gently he brushed the whole side of your face including your ear. You could hear the sound of barely audible laughter. His laughter and you closed your eyes, relishing into it all.

      As silent words were exchanged in actions in the glowing sunset, you knew no matter how much strength you ever gained, you'd never be bale to leave...

You just hoped that someday, somehow, there'd be an understandable method to all this madness..
..... -Slowly backs away-
-Pace quickens-



Yesterday I was listening to music and was all: "I'M WRITE A MORIA X READER. AHURHUR~" Then was all, "I'M GONNA WRITE TWO AND BE THE FIRST EVAHH!" And all the encouragment I got didn't help much. THANKS ASSHOLES! :heart: 

Seriously though. Is this even possible? IS IT. I DUNNO. I can see all your faces now, staring at it all liek,
:iconderpreactionplz: -Slowly dialing the number for the patty wagon- "We got an extreme case over here.."

I swear, I'm completely sane as far as I know. I just happen to have a strange mind and a wild imagination. And this time it led me to Gecko Moria. Hmp. Well... it might be OOC, it might not be but... YOLOLOLOLOL-- -SHOT SO HARD-

I no own. You no sue.
© 2014 - 2024 bollur
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